
來自美國加州小二女孩對昭悅教室的親筆鼓勵:「嘗試為自己的每一天帶來特別,每天也做到最好!如果肯嘗試,你一定會愈來愈好。如果放棄,你會退步!祝好運!」 閱讀她及其餘21位同學的鼓勵,眼眶一紅!好的教育是互相啟發和互贈的禮物!感激這群來自RLS加洲小二學生,及他們的好老師Maria,帶來這份最好的聖誕禮物! 社企路不易走,就是這些溫暖讓人有力量走下去! A sweet message from a P.2 student in California specially dedicated to the Above and Beyond Education : ‘Try to make each day special for you! Do your best everyday! If you do, you will get better, better and better! You can do it! Don’t give up. If you give up, your […]